Privacy Policy

Khazineyi understands the need for online privacy and take it very seriously. We take all measures to protect any and every information that you share with us via our website. Whether you register with us or use the site anonymously, the information we collect centers around your name, address, contact number(s), email ID, payment preferences, credit/debit card numbers, bank account details, etc. This information will only be used for the following purposes:

  •  To fill, process and ship your orders
  •  Contacting you for customer service and support
  •  Informing you of promotional offers
  •  Improving your experience of the Khazineyi website

No information will be revealed to any third-party entities for any purposes and your information will solely be used by Khazineyi.
Please note that we do use cookies to keep track of your activity on the website, to give you a uniquely personalized shopping experience.

By browsing our website, you agree to abide by all our policies, which may be subject to change any time.